Hamish's Life Through Pictures

My photo
Andria and I started this blog to catalogue our sons life through photos. Our family and friends that want to see how he is doing can check in here from time to time. If you would like any of the images for print, please leave a comment by the picture and I will email you a higher resolution picture.

  • Name: Hamish Ludlum Robertson
  • Born: October 11th, 2007
  • Length: 21.5"
  • Weight: 9lbs
  • June 1, 2010: Current Length: 39.5"
  • June 1, 2010: Current Weight: 35lbs

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's Christmas morning and Santa brought tons...

We put lights up all through the house on Xmas eve and Hamish noticed them right away coming out of his room. The tree had to be moved for all the boxes, and Hamish just checked things out slowly. We had to wait an hour and a half until Granny and Ruthie got there. Before long though he started pulling out boxes and starting his own stacks!

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